What is Magnate?
Magnate is a strategy game that puts great emphasis on story and character development. There is also a lot of RPG elements used for things such as combat and character progression. You can find out more about Magnate by following this link!

What setting is Magnate built upon?
Magnate is firmly founded upon the fantasy setting but we're attempting to avoid the elves and dwarves.

What platform is it going to be released on?
We are concentrating our efforts on a PC release. With that said, if the demand is there, we would love to see it released on other platforms such as Mac, PSN, XBLA and the iPad.

What is your schedule for release?
We are currently working with the plans of reaching Final within the month of May or June. Please keep in mind that because we are not funded by a publisher or other means of corporative investment, we will not release the game until we are satisfied with the quality we will be delivering.

Is the game real time or turn based?
The game is turn based but with real time combat. We found that this is the perfect marriage for our game. The turn based strategy of the world map gives players the time to plan their next move while the real time combat injected the adrenaline of war and decisive action.

Is there going to be any character creation in the game?
Unfortunately, all characters within Magnate will be created by us in order to facilitate the story we want to tell. But this does not mean users will not have customization options. With our Ability Tree system, players will be able to lead all characters down the path of their choosing within the class type. More on the Ability Tree system to come.

What kind of enemies will I be fighting?
Players will be facing off against a number of enemies including those of the same class, dragons and things that go bump in the night.

Will there be plans for DLC post-release?
If there is a demand, there will be a supply. It all comes down to the support and love we receive from the community.

Will the game have a physical copy I can buy?
No, Magnate will be a using a digital distribution model for sales.

Will there be a collector's edition?
Not at this time, but I wouldn't count it out either.

What are the requirements going to be like?
We will ensure that as many players can experience Magnate, thus DX9 card and Windows XP will be our goal.

What engine are you using for Magnate?
As of this writing, we are looking into creating our own engine.

Is there any way to receive updates on Magnate to my email?
As of this writing, we do not have a mailing list, but you can follow this blog for future updates!

Will there be closed and open beta testing?
There are plans for a closed beta testing period but a solid timeframe and sign up process has yet to be determined.

Any way for me to help out?
Spread the word! Right now, what we could really use is the awareness of our existence amongst the populace! Once we've reached certain internal milestones, we will be re-evaluating our financial status. If financial assistance is required, we will be reaching out to sites for crowdfunding options. More on that when we cross that bridge.

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